[author life] the intern dream movie cast: josie browning
Lily Collins as Josie Browning.
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Lily Collins as Josie Browning.
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Today, I’m over at the One Girl Org website, chin-wagging about why I’m proud to be a Do It In A Dress 2014 ambassador. Here’s a sneak peek: Why is girls’ education SO important to you? I’m the first to admit that I’ve had a wonderful public education. I was born and raised in Wagga…
I love meeting readers and aspiring writers – it’s one of the bonuses of this crazy author adventure! Would you like to arrange something for your school, uni, book club, bookstore, festival, panel, writing class or chocolate-appreciation club? Invite me along (by dropping me a note with all the details here).
Saying “I love you” isn’t easy. The words don’t always slip out in a neat little row the way they do in the movies. Maybe there aren’t enough words to explain how you feel. Maybe there are too many and they multiply until they get jumbled up. But, when it comes to saying those three…
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Introducing the wonderful winner of my ‘Win a signed copy of THE INTERN’ Inside A Dog competition: Mateesha. ♥♥♥ Below you can read the question that nabbed her the prize (and my answer) – I love it because it’s cheeky and funny, but still incorporated the topic of writing. It also reminds me of the short…
Have your say, dear readers! Are you Team Purple or Team Green? The cover with the most votes on the Girlfriend Magazine Australia Facebook page will be the one that hits stores at Christmas*, so click HERE to vote, vote, vote! ♥♥♥ *Please note, the cut-off date for eligible voting is at HarperCollins’ and Girlfriend magazine’s discretion.
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