Gabrielle Tozer is the internationally published author of three YA novels: The Intern, which won the State Library of Victoria’s 2015 Gold Inky Award, Faking It and Remind Me How This Ends. Her first picture book, Peas and Quiet (illustrated by Sue deGennaro), was published in June 2017, and her YA contemporary short story ‘The Feeling From Over Here’ (featured in Begin, End, Begin: A #LoveOzYA Anthology) is also out now. Based in Sydney, Gabrielle loves sharing her passion for storytelling and creativity, and has appeared at festivals, schools and conferences around Australia including the Sydney Writers' Festival, Bendigo Writers' Festival, National Young Writers' Festival and the Somerset Celebration of Literature. She has also been featured on Weekend Today, Triple J and ABC Radio, as well as in The Sydney Morning Herald, Dolly, Girlfriend, TV Week and Cosmopolitan.

Gabby: writes with energy, passion and humour; loves a deadline – it sharpens her wit; is her own best editor and bosses herself around; has a fascination with contemporary culture, life, people – and her writing brings them to life.